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Thread: Speedometer Flutter

Posts: 140
posted April 20, 2012 08:27 AM

Speedometer Flutter

I installed a new speedometer cable but the needle flutters at all speeds. Is there something I need to lubricate to smooth it out? The cable has no kinks in it or anything and is hooked into all the factory brackets.

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Posts: 314
posted April 20, 2012 08:35 AM

Hey Chris,

Mine does the same thing, and I think it is due to the RX-7 5-speed that is in the truck. Does your truck have an RX-7 5-speed? Mine also make some helacious noises when it is really cold for a few minutes until it warms up in the truck. Maybe someday I will take the cable out and lube it up with something. I don't use the speedometer for much more than a guesstimate of my speed as it is so bouncy. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this, but in my case I believe it is due to a non-stock transmission and maybe the interface between the cable and trans aren't quite the same causing the flutter.

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Posts: 140
posted April 20, 2012 12:12 PM

I still have the stock 4-speed transmission so that isn't the issue. I suppose I could pull off the cable and send some oil down the tube...but its brand new and I couldn't find any instructions that said that was necessary during installation.

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Posts: 140
posted April 24, 2012 08:23 AM

After some searching online I found several suggestions to lubricate the speedometer cable. I pulled it out, sprayed it down with WD-40 white lithium grease, then re-installed it.

The flutter was reduced significantly. It now stays pretty steady but there is still a little bounce to it. I may pull it out again and try a lubricant with more substance.

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Posts: 1672
posted April 24, 2012 11:26 AM
Edited By: Brad on 24 Apr 2012 11:27

Motorcycle or bicycle chain lube. Like TriFlow or Amsoil Metal Protecter. The latter can be used to lube the tension bolts during motor assembly too!!!

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Posts: 140
posted April 24, 2012 11:41 AM

LOL, that's so funny. When I opened my cabinet to find something to lube it with I had the choice between the WD-40 and a bottle of bicycle chain oil. Apparently I chose the wrong one!

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Posts: 140
posted February 04, 2013 12:37 PM

I still haven't figured this one out. I tried bike chain lube. I also tried heavier grease. Not sure what the deal is but the grease seems to keep it in check for speeds under 40mph but it still bobs with a 5-10mph range above 55mph.

Also, I drove in some cold weather the other day and the gauge emits a faint grinding noise that goes away after the truck warms up.

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Posts: 1672
posted February 05, 2013 12:49 PM

I have the same issue. It's 'wonder-speed'. The needle floats in the ballpark of the speed you're going.

The speedo itself could need rebuild or lube. When the speedo cable wasn't plugged all the way into the back of the speedo it floated more. Snapping it in tight after installation helps some. But she's still a floater! One of these days I'll take the speedo apart and check it out more. Aren't they also magnetic?

I have replaced the speedo cable.

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Posts: 1672
posted March 24, 2013 10:03 PM

I disconnected the cable from the factory cable holders in the engine compartment and that made a big improvement. Cable was binding because it had to make sharper turns.

I greased the cable with Graphite Moly Lithium grease, helped a little doesn't float as much but, still floats around 5mph.

I think the speedo needs its bearing(s) oiled and the whole thing rebuilt and greased.

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Posts: 140
posted March 25, 2013 01:35 PM

Funny you mention that, I re-routed the cable as well to avoid any tight turns. It helped a little. I get a funny sound from it now and I'm wondering if maybe the pin at the end has some play. Maybe a little electrical tape on the end would help to get a snug fit. Or it could be the speedo bearings like you said, but I did a test with my drill the last time it was out. Stuck a Phillips head in the hole and got it to about 35 mph with 0 flutter.

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Posts: 1672
posted March 26, 2013 11:25 AM
Edited By: Brad on 26 Mar 2013 11:25

Yeah I cordless drilled mine up to 20mph with no flutter so the pin to speedo sloppy contact has merit. I was thinking dipping the pin in Plasti Dip.


I have a new speedo cable so in theory the slop is in the speedo side.

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Posts: 140
posted April 28, 2014 09:55 AM

A bit of an update here. I got fed up with the flutter. Even though plugging in a drill to the speedo showed smooth operation, a drill is not the same as the cable. I dismantled the speedo and greased/oiled all the gears. This made the biggest improvement thus far. It still flutters a little but it stays within 1-2 mph instead of bouncing 10-20 mph at a time.

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Posts: 1672
posted April 30, 2014 11:44 AM

Added to the to-do list,thanks!

Did you clean and re grease the bearings?

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Posts: 140
posted April 30, 2014 12:59 PM

No, I just squirted some white lithium grease on everything in there, then added a little heavier grease to anything I could reach without taking it all apart.

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Posts: 134
posted April 30, 2014 08:50 PM

Speedometer Flutter

I took mine to a VCR repair shop and had them shotgun solder the whole thing and it worked great ever since, or at least until the engine stopped spinning last year. That's been at least 15 years with no problems.

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