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Index > Flea Market > Thread: oil cooler
Thread: oil cooler

Posts: 167
posted May 05, 2011 06:04 PM

oil cooler

need an oil cooler

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Posts: 1672
posted June 13, 2011 02:06 PM
Edited By: Brad on 13 Jun 2011 14:09

Hi Micah,

I got this one installed in my truck. It took some work but it does fit. Cools great but the lower bung is lower than stock and i think it was welded angling down so it required a -10 fitting that angled up and some trimming on the crossmember. Otherwise the fittings will rub on the crossmember and make a horrible noise. No thermostat but there is a threaded hole where the thermostat would be. Had to get a bolt to plug that, used an O2 sensor threaded plug and ground down the head to make it lower profile. Had to redo my cooler mounting too.


It was some work but it fits and looks like it belongs there. It's new and cools very well. Takes longer to warm up in the morning but stays cool and gets cool faster when the fan clicks on.

If I were to do it again I'd ask Renee to weld the lower bung up higher, perhaps 1/2" higher. And angle it upward.

Renee has good prices and more oil coolers to choose from You're better off with one large rather than two small. Or two stock. I know with that Turbo the oil gets much hotter than stock.
74 REPU Lawn Green
81 Rx-7 racecar. 12a J-

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Revvin Up
Posts: 95
posted June 13, 2011 10:39 PM

pick and pull auto junk yard 20.00 for a gen 1 cooler 82-85.make some brackets and wala . tell the junk yard its a trany cooler and its usually cheaper good luck

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