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Index > Engine/Drivetrain > Thread: Heater hoses
Thread: Heater hoses

Posts: 314
posted March 25, 2014 11:11 AM

Heater hoses

Hey guys,

Well I finally got around to replacing the heater valve on my 74 REPU. While under the dash I decided that maybe it would be wise to replace the heater hoses that attach to the valve, and heater core. Well to do this I have run into an issue.

One is the only heater hose I can find is either straight lengths or in rolls. The stuff I find in rolls is either 1/2" which is a really tight fit on the valve fittings, and 5/8" which is too large for my liking. Also the other issue is the factory hoses are molded to turn once the get through the firewall into the engine bay, and then one goes to the motor while the other travels to a steel line that goes to the bottom of the radiator. There is no doubt in my mind that these molded hoses are NLA from Mazda. What should I do? Use the 1/2" hose in the roll, and force it on, or do you guys have another idea? The hoses on my truck were not leaking, but I like to replace stuff once I mess around with it if it's possible.



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Revvin Up
Posts: 56
posted April 05, 2014 12:53 AM

Heater Hoses

I went to autozone, found a similar molded hose and cut it to length.

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1st Gear
Posts: 13
posted April 14, 2014 11:06 PM

I used a heater hose from a first gen rx7 then I got a water hose coupling from home depot to connect the heater hose I got from the auto parts there's a part number on it so u could use that to find it u need to trim the rx7 hose by the fire wall to connect to the heater hose here's some pictures to get an idea hope it helps good luck.


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Posts: 1672
posted April 15, 2014 06:02 PM


Went with faux braided line from our friends @ Spectre Performance , $26.99 @ Manny, Moe and Jack. 3/4" size since where it hooks to the motor is 17.5mm, and the heater tube is 17mm. Both flanges on the heater valve in the cab are 14mm so had to add some clear tubing onto the heater valve first, then slide the faux braided line over that. Don't overtighten the hose clamps on the heater valve, the valve is made of thin metal and will distort.

5/8" is just a hair too small, didn't want to streach the hose.

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