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Thread: Carburetor on t2 engine...? [' This thread is 2 pages long: (1) 2 ']

Posts: 235
posted September 22, 2002 12:28 AM

Carburetor on t2 engine...?

OK, I picked up my engine and cleaned it up. It is indeed a series 5 engine. While talking to a couple of my friends the thought crossed my mind to make this engine Carbureted.

Is it possible to do and keep the turbo? If so what needs to be done/eliminated/modified. If not can I just add a Carburetor and bolt up some regular headers?

Does anyone have a Weber IDA carb they wanna sell?

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Posts: 458
posted September 22, 2002 11:27 AM

Here is a thread about it, and if you do a search at the rx7club forum in the 1st gen section there are a few more similar threads. it.http://www.rx7club.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=111126&highlight=turbo


'74 lawn-green
4-port 13b
Weber 48DCO
Racing Beat Header
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Posts: 319
posted September 22, 2002 05:52 PM

Not with out MAJOR mods to the carb and fabrication.
The T2 is an injected blow thru system. Its pressure is created before its fuel is injected. To pressurize a carb you must first make sure the carb will not leak all the pressure out thru all the little orfices and around the butterfly shaft. Most carb are made to work at normal outside pressure.
I am just scratching the surface on this too.
A suck thru system would work with a carb because your pressure is created after the fuel is added. But I haven't seen many Turbo's that have such a system. I have seen some superchargers with this on them though.

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Posts: 235
posted September 22, 2002 11:09 PM

What about without Turbo for now?

OK, if it will be a pain to get the turbo to work with a Carb, can I just bolt some N/A Headers to the 13BT block and hook up the Carb, to get it Started?

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Posts: 293
posted September 22, 2002 11:40 PM

A suck thru system would work with a carb because your pressure is created after the fuel is added. But I haven't seen many Turbo's that have such a system. I have seen some superchargers with this on them though.

suck through turbo setup--

I've thought about this before and my best guess is that engineers are skeptical of having air/fuel mixture in the turbo exposed to exhaust heat. probably be ok till you shut a hot engine off.

blow through turbo setup--

i recall reading somewhere "rotary related" about somebody modifying carbs for this. and i'm sure if thats what you really wanted to do, there is definately someone out there that performs the necessary modifications to Holley carbs.

another possibility that i've seen is building a pressure box completely surrounding the carb so that the same relative pressure is inside and outside the carb.
74 wankel panther
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89 Vert

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Posts: 293
posted September 23, 2002 01:08 AM

what a coincidence

stumbled across this write up of a 12 turbo setup in my nocturnal web surfing.

74 wankel panther
79 rx7
89 Vert

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Posts: 293
posted September 23, 2002 04:31 PM
Edited By: wankel_dreams on 23 Sep 2002 16:35

ask and ye shall receive


looks like you'd still need turbo, intercooler, and piping.

74 wankel panther
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Posts: 319
posted September 23, 2002 05:29 PM

You cant put an intercooler on a suck thru system. Your fuel will not remain a mist.
But if you keep your boost(6or7psi) down you can make a rotary live without using an intercooler.
One thing that I have seen that is cool is water injection. You literally inject a fine mist of H2O into your motor with its gas mixture. The water absorbs the heat and turns to steam, which is then blown out with the exhaust.
You cool your motor on the inside of the combustion chamber.
Some of the WW2 airplanes used this method of cooling.
The trick is to get the amount of H2O just right or you hydrolock your motor.
77' REPU plus a few spare parts
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Posts: 293
posted September 23, 2002 08:45 PM

guru, have you seen many suck through turbo setups?
74 wankel panther
79 rx7
89 Vert

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Posts: 235
posted September 24, 2002 11:21 AM

OK, using all the info provided by you guys I have found the parts I need. I have one more question. In order to run the Carb I would have to run a first gen oiling system, right? How do I achieve this?

Mazdaracing.com and chirco.com sell some of the stuff.

Would a regular non turbo header/exhaust manifold bolt on to my engine so I can run the carb without the turbo till I fabricate the cooler and piping?

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Posts: 293
posted September 24, 2002 04:21 PM

are you talking about the oil metering system? you could consider premix.
74 wankel panther
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Too Many Rotary Websites
Posts: 206
posted September 24, 2002 04:44 PM


are you talking about the oil metering system? you could consider premix.

Actually, you should always use premix. I've seen 3-4 cases here in town of blown engines due to no oil entering the combustion chamber. 2 of these blown engines were due to the river never taking the engine above 4000 rpm... the oil that did get into the chamber was not enough.

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Revvin Up
certifiable rotorhead
Posts: 70
posted September 24, 2002 08:24 PM

are you talking about the oil metering system? you could consider premix.

Actually, you should always use premix. I've seen 3-4 cases here in town of blown engines due to no oil entering the combustion chamber. 2 of these blown engines were due to the river never taking the engine above 4000 rpm... the oil that did get into the chamber was not enough.
Sorry....I don't buy that story.....in almost 25 years of fooling with rotaries, I have never seen an engine failure attributable to an oil metering pump failure!

Of course, if there's no oil in the engine, well then of course the pump won't work! ;)



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Posts: 319
posted September 24, 2002 09:30 PM

No suck thru turbo's. Most of what I've seen is blow thru. They do have suck thru superchargers though.

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Posts: 293
posted September 24, 2002 09:54 PM

Sorry....I don't buy that story.....in almost 25 years of fooling with rotaries, I have never seen an engine failure attributable to an oil metering pump failure!

Of course, if there's no oil in the engine, well then of course the pump won't work! ;)


wanna put some money on that....lol....oh about 2K...so i can get a nice streetport rebuild. I know that in my REPU the oil metering pump DOES NOT work, so if i didn't use premix, my engine would fail. I wouldn't neccesarilly say that everyone has to run premix though. I'd guess that anyone who takes the time and effort to run premix pays enough attention to their engine to know if the oil metering pump is working or not.
74 wankel panther
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Revvin Up
certifiable rotorhead
Posts: 70
posted September 25, 2002 09:56 PM
Edited By: Rotor on 25 Sep 2002 21:56

Umm......WHY doesn't your metering pump work? I've never, ever seen a Mikuni
pump fail.....not on motorcycles or Mazdas, in 30+ years of fooling with the things!

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Posts: 319
posted September 27, 2002 08:33 PM

I'd guess that anyone who takes the time and effort to run premix pays enough attention to their engine to know if the oil metering pump is working or not.

If you know that your metering pump has a problem why not fix it? Or replace it?

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Posts: 235
posted September 27, 2002 09:37 PM

Carbupgrade for t2 engine.

I spoke with the guy at Mazdaracing.com. He sells all it would take to convert a T2 with a weber carb. He said he will have a car at the show tomorrow and that it is pretty damn fast. I guess if anyone else is interested tommorow would be a good day to get your questions answered in person. See you guys there.

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Posts: 319
posted September 28, 2002 10:14 PM

That is the only website I could find anyone doing blow thru carbs for rotaries.
The one I like is a Nikki mounted in a airbox to create equal pressure outside as well as inside.

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Posts: 1259
posted September 29, 2002 12:50 PM

Some people just shouldn't be allowed...

..to drive, let alone own a rotary car! That is, folks who 1.) Won't/can't/don't rev their engine over 4K
2.) " " " check their oil level
3.) Don't know what a metering oil pump is or whether or not it's working on their rotary car
(I'm sure none of you reading this are one of these sad creatures!)

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